Does the story of Little Red Riding Hood remind you of Obaama's infomercial?


New Member
Yes indeed. The whole ethereal, calm before the storm of that hacked sideshow. It's your grandmother little girl. Come closer so I can see you better. hehe<br />
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New Member
Well as far as the innocent person trying to find their way through dark woods being hunted by a deceiving wolf YES!!!!!


New Member
))))))))))))))))))))))))) THE PIED PIPER OF OBAMAVILLE((((((((((((((((((


Notice the exact tune of played to the flock that when played, follow the Piper without question.......without reason.......without sense.
It's perfect as the tune is called....Follow me to the land of Hope. AND LOOK WHERE HE TAKES THEM!!!!?!?!?!


New Member
You did not see it --he made no nasty remarks against McSame. He had real struggling American people under the Bush administration. He showed us what going on now and how he plans to fix it. Do not spread nasty rumors unless you actually saw the infomercial.


New Member
No. Red Riding hood was a fictional poor white peasant girl. Obama is a successful, Black, Harvard Educated Graduate who is running for and will be our new president.



You need to go back to school and fast too. You lack skills in reality; really you do.


New Member
It was juvenile, so it's appropriate that you compare it to a children's story. I found the whole thing creepy actually, the whole tone was that of a religious infomercial like on just one dollar a day you can support little Juan, feed him, put shoes on his feet, give him an education.... Except it was more like, On just 50% of their income..., don't worry I'll only take more from people who are 'rich', trust me...look at all these sad people, I mean, come on!