Do you like these boots? And which color?


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and what about these boots, are these ones better or worse?<br />
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I like the first one in the black! The black will go with everything. I was actually looking for a pair of boots like those too.
I like the first ones! The brown is awsome, but the black/grey is cute too.
I don't really like the second ones that much.
The first pair of boots is cute, but they can look really bad if you pair it with the wrong bottoms. Don't wear them with a skirt- wear them with a tight-fitting jean (a skinny or drainpipe).

I'm not crazy about the second boots. If you were to buy them, though, they could work with a skirt. No dresses or shorts, though.
I like the formal business boots much and of course the color is black as its shows the personality of man in the work. So its really have a good impact overall.