Distributing image processing to multiple Windows servers, file locking Q


New Member
I need to process large image files into smaller image files. I would like to distribute the work to many "slave" servers, rather than tasking my main server with this. I am using Windows Server 2005/2008, C#, and ASP.NET. I have a lot of web application development experience but have not developed distributed systems. I had a notion that this could be designed as follows: 1) Files would be placed in a shared network drive2) Slave servers would periodically poll the drive for new content 3) Slave servers would rename newly found files to something like UNPROCESSED_appIDXXXX_jidXXXXX_photoidXXXXX.tif and begin processing that file. 4) Other slave servers would avoid trying to process files that are in process by examining file name, i.e. if something has been named "UNPROCESSED" they will not attempt to process. I am wondering a few things: 1) Will there be issues with two slave servers trying to "grab" and rename the file at once, or will Windows Server automatically lock the file? 2) What do you think the best mechanism for notification of new content for processing should be? One simple idea is to write a basic aspx page on each slave system and have it running on a timer. A better idea might be to write a Windows Service that utilizes SystemFileWatcher and have it running on each slave system. A third idea is to have a central server somehow dispatch instructions to a given slave server to attempt a processing job, but I do not know of ways of invoking that kind of communication beyond a very hack-ish approach of having the master server pass a message via HTTP. I'd much appreciate any guidance you have to offer. Cheers, -KF