[DGT] vBulletin.v3.7.2.nulled.DGT.Protected.By.Le.Sorcier


New Member
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

			 Oo - 2008 - oO

[ScRiPt iNfO]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
■ Script name   : vBulletin 3.7.2 Protected
■ Supplied by   : DGT & Le Sorcier                                   
■ Nullified by  : DGT                                            
■ Tested by     : DGT & Le Sorcier                                      
■ Protection    : Removed                                        
■ Homepage      : http://www.vbulletin.com                       
■ Release date  : 29-06-2008                                     
■ Release type  : PHP/MySQL                                      
■ Price         : Forget it :)                                   
■ Under music   : N/A


vBulletin  is  a  powerful,  scalable  and  fully customizable forums 
package  for  your  web  site.  It  has been written  using the Web's    
quickest-growing    scripting  language;   PHP, and   is complimented     
with  a  highly efficient  and  ultra  fast back-end  database engine   
built using MySQL.
[/End DeScRiPtIoN]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

 **** Validator ****

Upload all files in BINARY mode.
Run validator.php before editing files to verify release.
Use online verifier of validator.php file and you will see NFO file.
Remove both files from server after checking and enjoy.
Remember, we include validator.php and checksums.md5 in our releases.
If you don't see these files, don't trust.
Do not modify validator.php.

Before installation or updating vBulletin you must:

1) Check the release with validator.php to make sure, that it does not
   contain any changed files or just use our release without keygen.
2) CHMOD all files 0777 to  write the new data in them.

[b][color=Red]WARNING:[/color][/b] DON'T FORGET to return CHMOD back beforσ start using your
forum. It's safety requirement!

[/End iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Nullifiers
 - Professional Testers

Wanna join? Send info about your skills at join.dgt[@]guru.la
Or Viste our web site : www.dzvb.o-n.fr

If you like this script, just buy it.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────


Our greetz fliez to all good groups in da scene.

[/End gReEtZ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End ScRiPt iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────
excuse me, but wtf is protected there, and the only change i see is a predefined customer number in authenticate.php ?
I have posted a message on DGT asking them about this so until I get a reply assume it not to be a DGT release

Not an official DGT Release

well, i run a compare on all files/folder and only changes are the customer number this Le Sorcier guy entered to skip the input box you usually get when upgrading installing. The rest of the files is 100% the DGT version that´s been released on June 29th.

Still wondering about that "protected" part, as no code changes except the formerly mentioned have been made, neither any protection has been added.
3.7.2 with keygen and without keygen you can find in the DGT blog
Note from DGT

 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

			 Oo - 2008 - oO


Here is a time to create little notice. DGT - Denied Grinderz Team in
past and  now just  simple DGT  never affiliates with people known as
Le  Sorcier.  All   our   friends  are  hidded   under  "DGT Friend".

You  can find  new name GTG  in our NFO: it's a public testing group.
Take care while downloading  DGT Release from  any other website. Our
official homepage  offers  you ability to download pure DGT releases.
If you unregistered  user there we advice you to register, it will be
private soon.

Well, as we decided  to create this  notice, we  would  like  to  say
"hello" to all our  leechers and sellers. Never buy nullified script,
you will support just  noob which downloaded it for free and sell it.

If you want to spent your money, support  the  author and buy it from
official homepage.

Remember also: almost  all our  releases  can  be verified via online
verifier. Leechers can use our NFO, can decode our offline validator,
but they can't use our second protection.

With Best Regards,


Our greetz fliez to all good groups in da scene. Fucking off leechers.

Greetz also peops who knows real price of their products!

[/End gReEtZ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Nullifiers
 - Professional Testers

Wanna join? Send info about your skills at join.dgt[a[dog]t]guru.la

If you like this script, just buy it.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End NOTiCE]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Such a wank post and release here.. this is pure garbage..stay away from this crap.. makes you register to their forums to get customer number to install this rls.. sucks, then u go to their forums and its dead with nothing there but a few posts..looks like someone is trying to snag some members and start up their own board