Hello, i tried to upgrade from 3.6.0, and i got the following error in the last (5) step..
Please someone help me.. My site is not opening now.. its showing blank white page..
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.9:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT t1.templateid AS templateid_1, t1.title ,
t2.templateid AS templateid_2, t2.title AS title2, t2.styleid AS styleid_2 ,
t3.templateid AS templateid_3, t3.title AS title3, t3.styleid AS styleid_3 ,
t4.templateid AS templateid_4, t4.title AS title4, t4.styleid AS styleid_4 ,
t5.templateid AS templateid_5, t5.title AS title5, t5.styleid AS styleid_5
FROM template AS t1
LEFT JOIN template AS t2 ON (t1.title=t2.title AND t2.styleid=2)
LEFT JOIN template AS t3 ON (t1.title=t3.title AND t3.styleid=3)
LEFT JOIN template AS t4 ON (t1.title=t4.title AND t4.styleid=4)
LEFT JOIN template AS t5 ON (t1.title=t5.title AND t5.styleid=47)
WHERE t1.styleid = -1
ORDER BY t1.title;
MySQL Error : The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Error Number : 1104
Date : Friday, April 11th 2008 @ 01:48:51 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : 122.163.XXX.XXX
Username :
Classname : vb_database