Deleting Cookies


New Member
Hello there. I'm getting really frustrated because what I think should be happening certainly isn't.<BR><BR>I'm building a website. When the user logs in, I get a bunch of information about that user and store it in cookies so that I don't have to get it from the database on every page.<BR><BR>My problem is deleting the cookies. They won't go away! Here is what I've tried:<BR><BR>Try #1:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Response.Cookies.Clear();<BR>It didn't work.<BR><BR>Try #2:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Response.Cookies.Remove( CookieName );<BR>Did this for each cookie I saved... it didn't work.<BR><BR>Am I missing something? This seems to be very straight forward, but the cookies don't go away in my trace information and their values show up on the page when I try using them, as well. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!