DayLight Free WordPress Theme


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Installation Instructions:

Main Theme
Upload the entire theme folder to your WordPress installation.
Upload to WordPress Themes Folder: /wp-content/themes/
It should look like this: /wp-content/themes/abc-theme/

Tip: Your theme folder contains files such as index.php, functions.php, *.php

Remember: You MUST upload these themes using FTP software, do not use any online upload tools.

Custom HomePage
How to install your theme and setup a custom homepage

1. Upload the theme into the /wp-content/themes/ folder. Remember, the theme should have its own folder name. It should look something like this: /wp-content/themes/abc-theme/
Remember: You MUST upload this using your FTP software, do not use any online upload tools.

2. Activate the theme in your Admin/dashboard

3. In the Admin/dashboard area click Pages ? Add New Page, create two pages:

- Create a new page and name it: “Home