"dataFld" event property, how to apply?


Staff member
Hello Gentlemen!

In expirmenting the work of the event property of IE: "dataFld", by doing this program, to make sure of my right understanding of it, it seems not yet.
Would someone please fix this program for me?

Thanks in anticipation.

<STYLE type="text/css">
TD{width:1.5cm; height:1cm; text-align:center;}
#pos1{position:absolute; left:240px; top:5;}
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function Whichcell(nass){
DAFLD= document.getElementById("HAQLFRM");
DAFLD.value= window.event.dataFld= nass;
<TABLE border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="empty-cells:show" frame="border">
<TR> <TD oncellchange="Whichcell('3')">3
<TD oncellchange="Whichcell('2')">2
<TD oncellchange="Whichcell('1')">1</TR>
Cut a word from this sentence and paste it in a cell of the table.
<DIV id="pos1">dataField: <INPUT id="HAQLFRM" size="6"></DIV>