Database not selected sometimes


New Member
I have a strange problem. 5% of its time; i get the error "No Database selected".Only on a page where i use iframes; called from out tab script.Here is the "sometimes problem" page:\[quote\]\[/quote\]Every tab calls for a page and loads it into the iframe.The requested page get its content from the database like this: \[code\]$rsday1 = mysql_query($query_rsday1, $dbtdp) or die(mysql_error());\[/code\]The connection is being asked with \[code\]mysql_pconnect\[/code\].
I tried \[code\]mysql_connect\[/code\] but instead I got 100% the error.I really cannot find the reason; i googled alot. I guess it has something to do with the MySQL; and not with the scripts.Maybe i'm wrong.This is the used tab script: \[quote\] \[/quote\]In the iframe i use tje jcarousel: \[quote\]\[/quote\]Information about the server here\[quote\]\[/quote\]Thanks for helping or passing any ideas.Dave