Cutenews to Wordpress


Hey everyone!<br />I don't know how useful is it to you people on the forum, if you even have a Cutenews powered blog, but maybe if you need it for someone else or for whatever use, try it out: Other-Ext-WP<br /><br />You can leave a comment about it over there or here...<br />I know it's a little messy but it is still in beta one.<br /><br />Let other people know if you think they need it.<br />Thank you<br /><br />P.S. PHP people, if you could bug test, that would be great.<!--content-->
I may add support for comments in the future.<br />Good idea or bad?<!--content-->
I would like to announce the immediate availability of version 1.0 BETA 2 of the Wordpress plugin Other-Ext-WP.<br /><br />Originally, in BETA 1, plugin was just a script. For 1.0 BETA 2, the script was modified and constructed into a Wordpress plugin. Among the new features, one of the most important is the ability to transfer comments as well.<br /><br />Other new changes include:<br />1. Modified custom functions and switch over functions dealing with Wordpress to their Wordpress API counterparts<br />2. Auto-detect features and file path check<br />3. More ease of use<br /><br />The plugin was also optimized a bit and more toward the final release.<br />This plugin, due to the nature of stage BETA 2, is recommended for a more general public but still only recommended for those with experience in Wordpress.<br /><br />So, to summarize, it now supports comments, it is a Wordpress plugin, and it is even more simple, easy enough for the most reluctant user. <br /><br />This version is more stable then the first and no more major changes should be in place for a while. As usual, feel free to submit all bug reports, feature requests, feedback, and all comments about the plugin into this forum or at my site.<br /><br />Plugin page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->