Cutenews nullified?


New Member
Hi, can someone here help me nulled this script called Cutenews and remove the copyright notice that appear on the frontpage when i put the news on, they don't have that on the old version but then they put that on the newest version and if you want to have it removed you have to pay for it. Can someone please help, really appreciate it.
ntlocc said:
Hi, can someone here help me nulled this script called Cutenews and remove the copyright notice that appear on the frontpage when i put the news on, they don't have that on the old version but then they put that on the newest version and if you want to have it removed you have to pay for it. Can someone please help, really appreciate it.

go to GYSN TEAM GYSN they are the real nullers
sorry for this XXL late reply, but i have a nulled version of 1.4.6... i attach it here!

just got it!
nulled from script freak!! use at your own risk :p :O
Origianl request:
11-06-2007, 05:10 PM

Request filled:
23-08-2008, 07:02 PM

Over a year later....just goes to show we are all dedicated here.....lmao
well, this is VBteam, not Cutenews team or?

and i registered late! Aprill 2008! AND... i gave him the last version! better than he requested!

we couldn't do better...
smartness said:
well, this is VBteam, not Cutenews team or?

and i registered late! Aprill 2008! AND... i gave him the last version! better than he requested!

we couldn't do better...

Not complaining just think its funny...:)