Converting value of an Eval from int to string


New Member
I have an interger stored in my database that I need to convert string.This is my attempt at the Eval:\[code\]<%# ChangeSalaryType(Eval("SalaryType")) %>\[/code\]This is my attempt at the function:\[code\]public static string ChangeSalaryType(int salaryType){ string salaryTime = string.Empty; if (salaryType == 1) { salaryTime = "per hour"; } else if (salaryType == 2) { salaryTime = "per week"; } else if (salaryType == 3) { salaryTime = "per annum"; } return salaryTime;}\[/code\]But I am getting these errors:\[code\]Argument 1: cannot convert from 'object' to 'int' Error 2 The best overloaded method match for 'controls_allPlacements.ChangeSalaryType(int)' has some invalid arguments Error 4 The best overloaded method match for 'controls_allPlacements.ChangeSalaryType(int)' has some invalid arguments\[/code\]I have used "SalaryType" in the Eval as that is the parameter that has the information from the database in. I'm not completetly sure what I am doing wrong..