Color Theory 3.8.1 [ripped by mmmxiv]


New Member
     ***=========='||\   /||` '||\   /||` '||\   /||` '\\  //` |''||''| \\      // ==========***
     ***========== ||\\.//||   ||\\.//||   ||\\.//||    \\//      ||     \\    //  ==========***
     ***========== ||     ||   ||     ||   ||     ||     ><       ||      \\  //   ==========***
     ***========== ||     ||   ||     ||   ||     ||    //\\      ||       \\//    ==========***
     ***==========.||     ||. .||     ||. .||     ||. .//  \\. |..||..|     \/     ==========***
     ***============='||'''|,                                       ||          =============***
     ***============= ||   ||                                       ||          =============***
     ***============= ||...|' '||''| .|''|, ('''' .|''|, `||''|,  ''||''  ('''' =============***
     ***============= ||       ||    ||..||  `'') ||..||  ||  ||    ||     `'') =============***
     ***=============.||      .||.   `|...  `...' `|...  .||  ||.   `|..' `...' =============***
     ***==============================,'''|,    .|'''|,        ==============================***
     ***==============================    ||    ||   ||          ============================***
     ***============================== '''||     ))-((     \\  // ===========================***
     ***==============================    ||    ||   ||      ><   ===========================***
     ***=============================='...|' .. `|...|' .. //  \\ ===========================***
     ***======================      **Install Instructions**           ======================***
     ***=                        1) Upload 'images' to  Forum Root                          =***
     ***======================   2) import style XML                   ======================***
     ***=                        3) enjoy!                                                  =***
     ***======================                                         ======================***
     ***=                         Time to install: 2mins                                    =***
     ***======================                                         ======================***
     ***=                         Ripped By: mmmxiv                                         =***
     ***======================    Protection: Not Enough               ======================***
     ***=                         Ripped   =***
     ***======================    Cost: Premium for Nothing.           ======================***
     ***=                                                                                   =***
     ***======================                                         ======================***
     ***=                         Don't forget to Thank ;)                                  =***
     ***======================                                         ======================***
     ***=                         ASCII by 'mmmxiv'                                         =***
     ***======================                     [email protected]  ======================***

Time took to Rip: 2.5 Days
Ripped by request.

Time took to Rip: 2.5 Days

You need to work on your skills :)
I can rip a style in about an hour or less (depending on complexity of style)

Plus is this really a rip or just an update?
Hoxxy said:
You need to work on your skills :)
I can rip a style in about an hour or less (depending on complexity of style)

Plus is this really a rip or just an update?

^^ I'm Working on the skills =]

And I'd say its more of a port.. Though I did get all the images myself. In retrospect I shoulda just got the images from a previous release and updated the XML, woulda been faster.
mmmxiv said:
^^ I'm Working on the skills =]

And I'd say its more of a port.. Though I did get all the images myself. In retrospect I shoulda just got the images from a previous release and updated the XML, woulda been faster.

Yep ;)................
Thanks very much. Have you, or anybody, access to the PSDs for this skin? Been looking around for it (them)...
Does anyone have the PSD's? Is able to change the logos and other graphics. Thank you very much for your help.