[color="red"]Help:[/color] Displaying a query resu


New Member
Ok, I'm very new to asp and asp.net but that is what this page needs to be created in, hence my attempt. What I'm trying to do is query a database with a url variable, thus pulling out the data on that variable (in this case information on individual condo units). I believe that part is all working fine. I have the database connection, I have the query string setup to find the info on the unit that the user has selected, and it returns a dataset... I hope that is what it's supposed to do. All that is setup in a runat server script inside a function that returns a dataset. <BR><BR>MY PROBLEM: I want to take that dataset and just display individual fields in various locations on the webpage surrounding a floor diagram of the unit. Therefore I can't really use any of the handy datagrid or datalist objects, I want more control of where the data is going and what html tags are surrounding it. I'm assuiming this must be extremely easy to do, something like in cold fusion where all you need to do is say #fieldname# and as long as it's nested in a query tag you're good to go and the data will show up. I hope someone can tell me this is that easy, and explain what I need to do ;-) Thanks a lot!<BR><BR>Ben <BR>you just access the recordet and the columnname<BR><BR><%=rs("nameOfField")%>