"clearing" stuff inside a div (IE problem)


I have a simple two-column liquid layout; a menu floating on the left, and the content on the right, both below a banner.

In the div on the right, I'm wanting to simply have a 100x100 image aligned left with some text from a database, and then a br with the clear attribute to clean everything up and let the next image aligned left and row of text from the database start.

Of course, everything works fine in FireFox, but in IE, once the browser hits that "clear: left" command, it wants to put everything below it down below where the menu on the left ends, but still in the content div.

Is there a way I can "clear" the stuff in my content div, AND have it IE compatible? I have a feeling that a "display: inline" somehow holds the clue, but I have no idea.

Any help, please?could it be possible to get a link to the place?I've already just gone with using a small table instead. I didn't have the time to fool with it...