Checking If Field Is Indexed


Ok I'll be brief. I need to find a way to check if a particular MySQL field has been indexed or not. It is for the smart updater I am writing for Lazarus.<!--content-->
There's more than one way to do this.<br /><br />1) <a href="" target="_blank">mysql_field_flags()</a> function in PHP<br /><br />If the field is indexed, the string returned by mysql_field_flags() will contain "primary_key", "unique_key", or "multiple_key". I'd suggest searching the returned string for "_key" (common to all 3).<br /><br />2) 'SHOW INDEX FROM <i>table_name</i>' query<br /><br />You could run a SHOW INDEX query on the table containing your field (which returns a table), and search for a record containing your field (by examining the 'Column_name' field of each record). If the field is indexed, it will be present, and if it is not, it won't.<br /><br />3) 'DESCRIBE <i>table_name</i> <i>field_name</i>' query<br />You could run a DESCRIBE query on the table and field, which will return a single record containing information about your field. If the field is indexed, the "Key" column will contain "PRI", "UNI", or "MUL". Otherwise, the "Key" column will be empty.<br /><br />To get a better idea of what SHOW INDEX and DESCRIBE queries return, you can run them in the SQL tab in phpMyAdmin and view the results in your browser.<br /><br />Hope this helps...<!--content-->
Cheers I'll go with the SHOW INDEX route.<!--content-->