Chat to strangers


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For your first msg type:

[AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]

Post your results here...:D

(Idea originally posted on deviate-life)
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: How's your mum?
You: fine
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: lmao
You: what
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hey
Stranger: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 27/male/venezuela
You: 18/male/china
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
[AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: al
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Lol !!

connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Sieg heil
you: [automated message: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
you: Hey
stranger: Asl
you: 45/m/africa
you: You?
Stranger: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) nazi from russia!!!!
Stranger: You are black?
You: No i'm pink
you: Are you pink?
Stranger: No!
[automated message: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
your conversational partner has disconnected.
you're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [automated message: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
stranger: Fuck
LOL, first few just disconnected strait away after the message lol then got this one:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: hello! =)
You: hey
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

After i said hey it stayed like that for like 5 mins then they disconnected lol.
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: Hola!
You: hey
You: asl
Stranger: ¿Que?
Stranger: Estoy usando el internet
You: buenos dias
Stranger: ¿Que?
You: muy bien gracias
Stranger: HOLA!!!! :):)
You: ¿Que tal?
Stranger: 14
You: catorce anos
Stranger: sup /b/
You: salut
Stranger: I don't any more fucking spanish lol
You: :P
Stranger: where are you anon from?
You: america
Stranger: I see
Stranger: "go eat some mcdonalds lol"
Stranger: ahahah
Stranger: I laugh so hard whenever I see those
You: nahhhh
You: i had some 3 hours ago
Stranger: fucking britfags making europeans look stupid
Stranger: 2 hours ago here, actually
You: where are u from?
Stranger: Norway
Stranger: ever heard of it?
You: near china?
You: :D
Stranger: Not really ):
Stranger: It's this icy shit far north
Stranger: almost at the north pole
You: i know its scandanvian area
Stranger: Yeah, all icy
You: im not those idiots on the street
You: ...
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: so how are you
Stranger: how old btw?
You: 23
You: u?
You: ¿Que?
Stranger: since school's over everyone are drinking their brains out over here
You: :P
Stranger: soon 18, late october
You: i c
Stranger: actually 4 months now, exactly
Stranger: 23. oct
You: graduated
Stranger: So you're working?
You: atm just back from work was bored
You: so i saw this site
You: :P
Stranger: Ah, I see
Stranger: It's great
Stranger: I love to spend some hours here
Stranger: messing with peoples minds
You: lol
You: i just came here to spam this
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!
You: and scare some noobs off
You: :P
Stranger: lol, I see
Stranger: well, you know about FBI?
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: whenever you say FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: the automessage pops up for you
Stranger: :D
You: i see
You: :P
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: lol¨
Stranger: love it
You: fbi
You: nice
You: :P
Stranger: Well
Stranger: I gotta run
You: cya
Stranger: gonna see a movie with a friend
Stranger: take care now
You: ill spam someone else
Stranger: have fun
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol :D
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: Hola!
You: hey
You: asl
Stranger: ¿Que?
Stranger: Estoy usando el internet
You: buenos dias
Stranger: ¿Que?
You: muy bien gracias
Stranger: HOLA!!!! :):)
You: ¿Que tal?
Stranger: 14
You: catorce anos
Stranger: sup /b/
You: salut
Stranger: I don't any more fucking spanish lol
You: :P
Stranger: where are you anon from?
You: america
Stranger: I see
Stranger: "go eat some mcdonalds lol"
Stranger: ahahah
Stranger: I laugh so hard whenever I see those
You: nahhhh
You: i had some 3 hours ago
Stranger: fucking britfags making europeans look stupid
Stranger: 2 hours ago here, actually
You: where are u from?
Stranger: Norway
Stranger: ever heard of it?
You: near china?
You: :D
Stranger: Not really ):
Stranger: It's this icy shit far north
Stranger: almost at the north pole
You: i know its scandanvian area
Stranger: Yeah, all icy
You: im not those idiots on the street
You: ...
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: so how are you
Stranger: how old btw?
You: 23
You: u?
You: ¿Que?
Stranger: since school's over everyone are drinking their brains out over here
You: :P
Stranger: soon 18, late october
You: i c
Stranger: actually 4 months now, exactly
Stranger: 23. oct
You: graduated
Stranger: So you're working?
You: atm just back from work was bored
You: so i saw this site
You: :P
Stranger: Ah, I see
Stranger: It's great
Stranger: I love to spend some hours here
Stranger: messing with peoples minds
You: lol
You: i just came here to spam this
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!
You: and scare some noobs off
You: :P
Stranger: lol, I see
Stranger: well, you know about FBI?
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: whenever you say FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: the automessage pops up for you
Stranger: :D
You: i see
You: :P
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: FBI
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: lol¨
Stranger: love it
You: fbi
You: nice
You: :P
Stranger: Well
Stranger: I gotta run
You: cya
Stranger: gonna see a movie with a friend
Stranger: take care now
You: ill spam someone else
Stranger: have fun
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol :D
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi there
You: you there random stranger?
Stranger: no
You: why not?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

My stranger didn't like me.
This conversation went much better:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi.
You: hello
Stranger: Greetings.
You: want to come over?
Stranger: No.
You: can I come over there?
Stranger: Yes.
You: do you have candy?
Stranger: In a van.
You: sweet, i love vans
Stranger: Cool, it haas shark posters in it.
You: OMG!!!!! Like the ones in Nemo?
Stranger: Yeah, they're cute.
Stranger: like me...
You: do i have to wear underwear?
You: awww
Stranger: No, it's a personal choice.
Stranger: I don't like to.
You: oh, i was hoping to wear yours then
You: maybe i'll just wear your skin
Stranger: K.
You: this is great
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I think he really likes me. :)

You: how old are you?
Stranger: 103
Stranger: :P
Stranger: 14
You: just a young pup
You: i'm old enough to be dating your mom
Stranger: lol..
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
You: Hi.
You: Silence.
You: How are you?
You: Can you speak English?
Stranger: haha
You: An answer.
You: Praise the lord.
Stranger: haha
Stranger: sorry
You: Aren't you scared of me?
You: So. Do you enjoy this site?
Stranger: well if you name was starts with an M i might be a lil scared
You: It does. It's Mike.
You: You are no fun. D:
Stranger: lol
Stranger: what i should be scared of you bcz you typed that message?
Stranger: ahhhhhh
You: Because. You are BOOOORING.
Stranger: im sorry

Rather dull chap.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
Stranger: How are you doing
You: Ok you?

Stranger: even better
Stranger: Aren't you from Asia?
You: Nope lol
Stranger: USA? Europe?
You: Europe
Stranger: hm, maybe Holland?
Stranger: or UK
You: UK
Stranger: And exactly from? England?
You: Yes
Stranger: Oh, wonderful
You: What about you?
Stranger: Belgium. How many times you drink tea?
You: lol not that much
Stranger: oh, i thought you drink it unstoppable)
You: No we really don't
Stranger: And what about 17-00 tea ceremony?)
Stranger: Is it true?)
You: A what?
Stranger: I heard u have a tradition to drink tea at 5 pm
You: Nope lol
You: Where do you hear all of these?
Stranger: oh, everybody lies
Stranger: TV, press
You: the press
You: seriously?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: Okay, and what about the music? 
Stranger: Are you all so interested in it?
You: I would say yes
Stranger: Do you have any OASIS album?:D
You: We are quite involved in our music
You: And no 
You: I don't like them 
You: :P
Stranger: :D

Stranger: I've heard that 40% of all population has albums of Queen
Stranger: One more lie?
You: I seriuosly doubt that they have
You: Sorry to disappoint
You: lol
Stranger: oh, live is sh** :D

Stranger: Are you male or female?
You: Male
Stranger: Are you a football fan?
You: Yes
You: You?

Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: AC Milan rules the world
You: Ah no Arsenal for me
Stranger: Yeah, Arsenal rules the country
You: lol
Stranger: MU sucks, doesn't it?)
You: Yes
You: Very Much!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: Yeah, but now, when Ranalda is gone, they will get some big c**ks
You: Thats thier problem lol
Stranger: Okay, how's the Queen?
You: Well I actually saw her this morning and she said to me she was good!!
Stranger: oh, that is nice
Stranger: God save the Queen
You: It is
Stranger: So, do you live in London?
Stranger: yes, you have to, if u are an ARS fan
You: Nope just outside it
You: :D
Stranger: haha
Stranger: great
Stranger: I like english humour
Stranger: )
Stranger: How old are you
You: 16 lol
You: You?

Stranger: 18 lol
Stranger: Don't you think here are too many chinese?
You: Not really lol
Stranger: Lol, i mean omegle:D
You: Nah lol
Stranger: I meet only chinese, it annoys me
Stranger: So you are lucky
You: lol
You: I am
Stranger: Well, okay, i will continue my way in omengle. It was nice to meet you, Englishman
You: Same to you
Stranger: bye
You: Good bye
Stranger: have fun 
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Didnt use the sutomated message thing as the ten people I tried before that just went lol. He was actually quite nice but had some warped ideas on the U.K xD
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]

Stranger: I see.
You: cool
You: where you from
Stranger: A place.
You: where
Stranger: Uh...the US.
You: kk
You: what you name
Stranger: It says that you're a sex offender, so I cannot give you my personal information.
You: go on
Stranger: So, how are you?
You: ok thanks
Stranger: Thanks for what?
You: can i come to you home
Stranger: No!
You: fbi will not no
You: go on you will like it
Stranger: No. I won't.
You: kk
You: do you have a xbox 360
Stranger: No.
You: y
You: how's the Queen?

Stranger: ...What?
You: how's you  Queen?
Stranger: ...<_< We don't have a queen.
You: kk
You: are you a sex offender
You: ?
You: you can tall me 
You: ?
You: anywas i need as you mum calling me and shw what to see me i will get her a good seeing
You: *anywas i need to go as you mum calling me and shw what to see me i will get her a good seeing
You have disconnected.

connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
stranger: Hi
you: Male or female?
Stranger: Male
stranger: U?
You: Male
stranger: Where r u form?
You: Your mums house
stranger: I am japanese
stranger: U?
You: Cool
stranger: Cool?
Stranger: Cao ni ma
you: You like touching boy parts?
Stranger: Yes
you: You like penis?
Stranger: Can i fuck your girl friend?
You: If i can fuck you mum
stranger: I believe spring borther
stranger: Sb
stranger: U mother is under me
you: Lol
stranger: I am very cool
you: Sure thats not your dad your taking up the ass?
Stranger: Your penis is 3cm
you: You dont have one
your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: cool
You: asl?
Stranger: old enough to rape you male and standing behind you naked
Stranger: hey
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
You: Hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Fuckers :mad:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 13/f/aus
You: you?
Stranger: m/15/spain
You: What're you up to? =]
Stranger: chatting
You: =]
You: :)
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
Stranger: ^^
Stranger: whats ur name?
You: Katy
You: what's yours?
Stranger: josue
You: That's a pretty name ^^
You: do you use MSN?
Stranger: yes
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
You: hi
Stranger: Hi 25 m usa
You: 13 f aus
You: heyy
You: =]
You: You don't like me? =[
Stranger: What is up with the automated message
You: What automated message?
Stranger: At the top of the convo
You: I don't.. see any automated message
Stranger: Stranger: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Omegle is required by law to inform you that the person you are chatting with is a formerly convicted sex offender. Please do not give out your personal information to this individual. Have fun chatting!]
You: You're a convicted sex offender?!
Stranger: NO
You: You do realise I'm a 13 y/o girl?
You: My mum will kill me!
Stranger: I don't know why that popped up
You: wait, this is a joke? right?
Stranger: It has to be
Stranger: I am not a sex offender
You: I'm sorry, I can't talk to a sex offender, I don't want to be raped =[
You have disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC, please take a seat over here.
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Oh fuck
Stranger: You see
Stranger: I have a funny story. You won't believe it.
You: So, what were you going to do here?
Stranger: Well joo see.
Stranger: My cousin
Stranger: She is 8
Stranger: She was doing this online once
Stranger: and she got caught
Stranger: so I was coming to tell this girl
Stranger: Do not do this! 
You: sure you were..
Stranger: Am I going to be arrest sir?
You: Please tell me why you brought condoms
Stranger: Well I was going to give them to her
Stranger: and say to use them if she has sex.
You: Sir, how old do you think this girl is?
Stranger: She said on the phone that she 18
You: Did she?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I told her, only 18 and up
You: Thats not what I heard
Stranger: Well at first she say 15
You: So, you what were you doing here with a 15 year old?
Stranger: FUCK
You: Please leave
Stranger: ...
You: Please leave, go home, never come back!
Stranger: Am I going to be arrest sir?
You: No you are not
Stranger: Well alright
Your conversational partner has disconnected.