Can kangarous live off snow?


New Member
I founds me a kangarou in my backyard in Canada and i tried feeding it some dog food, but i got PWN3d cuz it kicked me, i tried giving it my psp because i have a game on it called ATV outback on it and maybe it would fell more at home. do they eat snow?<br />
First off, its KANGARU. Next, PSP's are only made for alligators, as they have sort of a metal taste to kangaru's. Even though they are from hawaii, they do like ATV's but it was in a psp so it wouldnt eat it. They eat mostly IAMS dog food. Thats all, make sure you get it.
no this will in turn cause the kangaroo's osopphegus to implode as its nervous centre cannot cope with it but if you melt the water it shood work