BlueFox Lightend v2!

Yeah, how can we fix the navbar? I dont know what to do with the "NavBar Fix.xml" file.


EDIT: nvm, i've decided not to use this style.
hmmm from what I can see you need to install the product NavBarFix.xml in the product section and once there it should do what it was intended to do. If not once installed go to vbulletin options and scroll down to NavBarFix and see what options it has to adjust.
Thanks Filez.

When I try and upload it as a plugin, it keeps telling me 'invalid file specified'...

I see you said product. If I try and "Import Product", its telling me the same thing...

As far as adding new product (if thats what I need to do), what are the variables for the following (or where do I find them?):

Product ID
Product URL
Version Check URL

Sorry if these are N0ob questions. I am new to VB and have always been on phpBB...but ecstatic to have switched. Thanks for any help you can give.
To fix the navbar all you have to do is:

Admin cp -> language and phrases -> upload -> browse for the navbarfix.xml -> set settings for ignore version and change the language name to Bluefox and hit upload.
Dark_Fox2009 said:
u didnt rip it, u did it yourself..hmm....u fail at mopar and u fail on here. Taking credits for works thats not yours...

Noob, everyone ripps things and takes credits its a ripping forum btw wait for your brain to ping before you speak.