blog comments - making sure your comments stick

Dear Warriors, I am just starting using the automated software for blog commenting. I want to make sure that my comments will stick and at the same time, I do not wish to be putting them manually (yes, I know it is better to do it this way). What do you use to automate your commenting on blogs? What specific lines you are using, which stick more than others? Kind RegardsArthur You are only going to get low quality links this way, rather use the software to find blogs related to your niche and check their PR. I usually get rid of N/A, PR 0 to 1 or 2 blogs and manually comment on the high ranking blogs. I found that this works better and greatly enhance my ranking than the AA list. Just my opinion anyway. John Benjamin Thank you for sharing John... I do believe in commenting manually and its value. I just noticed that regardless to what you do, people got less receptive to even a quality comment, than before. I saw a good tool the other month, which was making the comments both, extensive and quite neutral, but I for life do not know what it was. Quote: Quote: Using automated software for blog commenting may be cause to detect you as comment spammer by search engine bots. Not a good idea I think. How safe do you think automatic blog comments are these days? Do you think that getting too many of them could give you an "over-optimization" penalty? Quote: Quote: Never direct spammy links on your money site. Use your tier 2 as buffers. Google is giving less value on those more and more. Make manual, relevant posts. Plus if you can get on a major blog in your niche and start commenting on it, it would be good. I'm willing to bet that you will get more response from one main blog than a ton of automated blog comments that might not sound relevant, and that will be perceived as spam. On my personal opinion i do not buy automated software like auto comment on blog. The main reason is, there is no quality in posting comment. Quote: Another vote here for not using commenting spamming tools. You may get more links but they're usually worthless. Just spend a little time and get good links from valuable blogs instead. Hi Kronom, I don’t really suggest automating your comments because that might mark you as a spammer. What I do to ensure that my comment really generates traffic to my site is I usually comment on High PR commentluv enabled websites because I can also put a link there for my latest blog post on my website. Aside from that, I always want to make sure that my comment is on top of other people’s comments. The way I do that is I use BRIEF firefox addon which notifies me if there is a new blog post created among the different websites that I subscribed to. I hope this helps, Nick Automatic blog posts are usually not approved by moderators. If they appear on the site, tendencies are they'd be deleted in the long run too! so they won't do you any good too. don't know with you but that's how it appears to me. Sam robertsEmpower Network I'd say that a really bad thing with these tools are that they will mass post crappy comments and sooner or/than later your IP will be banned by spam tools and you won't be able to make any comments at all... be careful! One of the things I have always admired about this forum is the way people give advise on automated tools. Reading this thread, you would think that the automated comment market would be shrinking, rather than growing from strength to strength. To the OP Like many others, my advice is to steer clear of automated comments. And steer clear of manual comments whose only purpose is to get a link. Here's my direct experience as a blogger who has Do Follow links enabled and Comment Luv. Every day I get a ton of comments. The 'auto generated' ones don't get through as I have a couple of plug-ins installed that filter them out. So only comments made by folks like you and me get through. Here's how the manual comments posted for a link stand out a mile: 1) They contain a ton of keywords in the 'name' field. 2) There's no gravatar associated with the comment.3) The comment is often not associated or relevant to with the post4) The comment often uses words that normal folk wouldn't use - e.g. see this one here - that's obviously been copy and pasted from some kind of spinner: "Pretty section of content. I just stumbled upon your website andin accession capital to assert that I acquire in fact enjoyed account your blog posts.Anyway I