Hi guys... I decided we should get vBTEAM to go to another 'beta'
So, here is what I think we (I) should do within couple of weeks:
I was also thinking (have been writing about it somewhere already...) about getting people to put a link on their site, and completing a form with some details about where they've put the link and their email. This would have to last for around one month in order to let google see those links, and that would increase our SEO. Oh, and people who have really included the link and completed the form would get a chance to win a rapidshare account.

- Find or create a hack that would mark a thread as solved, when the question was answered.
- Upgrade to 3.7.4 (or 3.8.0 - what do you think?)
- Get a new skin *
I was also thinking (have been writing about it somewhere already...) about getting people to put a link on their site, and completing a form with some details about where they've put the link and their email. This would have to last for around one month in order to let google see those links, and that would increase our SEO. Oh, and people who have really included the link and completed the form would get a chance to win a rapidshare account.