"Back" button using Javascript in IE 5.5+


Staff member
Hi there ... I'm really hoping someone out there has a solution for me. This seems like such a simple thing. I just need to code a Back button on a jsp to go back to the referring page. This is the flow of pages:
sendMessage.jsp posts to thankYou.jsp. thankYou.jsp includes sessionCheck.jsp. If sessionCheck.jsp determines that the session is not valid, it sets the current.location to messageNotSent.jsp. On messageNotSent.jsp, I want a 'Back' button so that users can go back to the page where they were entering their message, which is sendMessage.jsp.

I've tried
- both of which just reload the messageNotSent.jsp page

window.location.href = document.referrer
- returns an undefined page, but if I use Forward on right mouse menu, I get the page I want.

Of course this is easy as pie in Netscape/Mozilla ... damm microsoft! :)

Please please ... any suggestions are appreciated in advance!
