Attention all staff


New Member
Seems x-mobile is trying to clone vBTEAM so if you know any good hackers or feel in a spamming mood:


They even have an admin called .v0id !
i joined few mins ago
My work is done..(for now anyway)...

I used all possible places to spam:

- Posted in forums
- Posted in staff profiles
- Created photo albums
- My sig
- Sent pms to staff
- Sent emails (sendmessage.php)

What I posted:
Animal porn
Gay porn
Incest porn
Scat porn
Jailbait posts
and just other insulting posts :)

Man I was bored last night...lmfao
Don't think there happy...

That clone site said:
Hi, we add some protection for fu*king spammers.
1, you must have more than 13 age
2, decode text
3, must have real email
4, must go to email and click to link for verify
5, must wait for admins/moderators validate

Before this you get only

vBulletin Message:

Thank you for registering, YOURUSERNAME. An email has been dispatched to YOURMAIL with details on how to activate your account. Click here to return to where you were previously.

You will receive an email in your inbox. You MUST follow the link in that email before you can post on these forums. Until you do that, you will be told that you do not have permission to post.


Oh and the decode text is:

I love sCRiPTz-TEAM.iNFO

Quick update:

STiLE said:
pam said:
STiLE said:
pam said:
STiLE said:
enjoy spam you shitty !

Hey I just read your announcement...sorry for my aka but thats what I'm known as and always use why not google it.....seems you have a good site on the go but if your gonna be this abusive that Im gone and will just get my stuff from I got a licence just thought Id be able to help out thats all...oh well your lose...

bad very bad joke man

Your a fool...If my intentions were to spam your forum why would I sign upto and spam

when staff are online...dude get a life!!...lmfao

lol ... i dont trust you ...

sorry but this only little test so yesterday there was abut 5-6 spammers ...

so go to and PM user test205

I sent back "user dont exist"

"You are currently showing up as unlicensed"

this is the reason ok i add you to verified members

STiLE said:
so you can start posting if you want

and your nick i change ... but pam isn sounds good ... have you any other nick ?

so verified details are as follows:

U/N: pam

only problem we still have is that they set time between posts at around 3000 seconds:( I noticed this as thought ok lets butter them up gain some trust and post a few mods and styles then go in for the kill tonight when no staff are online :(

I am the Hoxxinator...lmfao
SpeedRazors said:
is the site dead ??? link is not working for me lol

Yeah site went down about 2 days after I first posted...we got Grinders members involved to and poof its gone..lmao...there normal site seems to be back though...