Assembly Programming - Hello World


I'm having trouble with this "Hello World" in Assembly. Does anyone know what's wrong with this?<br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><br />Goto start<br />a100<br />JMP 112<br />;<br />;112<br />MoV DX 102<br />;<br />;<br />;<br />MoV AH 9<br />INT 21<br />RET<br /><br />rcx<br />1A<br />w<br />q<br /><br />:Start<br />DEBUG HELLO.CoM<%0.BAT<br />:This is HELLO.BAT. IT MAKES HELLO.CoM<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />I ran the BAT file and created the .COM file. Usually when I type "HELLO" at the DOS prompt nothing happens. But once I got an error message. Unfortunate I didn't write it down because I can't get it back up now. Anyone know what's wrong with this?