ASP News


I have been working on a ASP news system for a few days now but have come to the conclusion that my knowledge is somewhat less then needed.

What I have been trying to do is a simple News page with one news.asp and an admin.asp.
And in between the two an access DB.

The news.asp is where i want the news to be displayed. And admin.asp is where I post the news.

Well I guess the trick wasnt as much puching text back and forth between the pages. Rather the problem was to format the information correctly.
I wanted the news to automatically get dated and time stamped as they were posted, just as on the big news sites.

Well I didn't come through, and now I need help.
So if anyone has seen a tutorial, free code or know anything that could get me on the right track please let me know.when you put in the news, you can put a timestamp in a database field by using the <% now %> or <% time%> functions, be aware that this will be the server time.There are a few free news codes that I have seen...but they are all CGI Scripts, let me know if you want the URL's.