[ASP.Net/VB.Net]Retrieving info from a HTML input text block


New Member
I have 2 HTML blocks, with JQuery DateTimePicker. Now after the date is picked (When you click the input box, the datepicker appears, then you click the date, the date appears in the input box, and when you click away somewhere, the datepicker dissapears. Now I need to retrieve that info with VB.Net and ASP.Net.Thank you.I just changed the HTML input box to Asp.net TextboxThen added the OnTextChanged function call when the text is changed, and called a function that stores that date into my class. As such:\[code\]Start date:<asp:TextBox name="startDate" ID="startDate" OnTextChanged="startDate_TextChanged" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>\[/code\]I tried to go with asp:TextBox before, but for some reason JQuery didn't work on it.