Moved from WebApp to Web Site, problem with URLs


New Member
Moved from a Web Application to a Web Site, began moving code over... and now I have a very strange problem. First and foremost, my root /Website1/ shows up when I first run the web site:http://localhost/Website1/Default.aspxBut if I go to a sub menu option, all my URLs are set to http://localhost/SubMenuOption.aspx, thus not finding my pages. It seems that ~/SubMenuOption.aspx does not work. Also, JS files are linking strangely. On a page inside a folder, I cannot seem to link to the root folder JS folder.\[code\]<script src="" /> \[/code\]This should go down a folder, but it doesn't. It actually inherits the folder name I'm in so if... http://localhost/Website1/Common/Sub.aspx then the JS file shows up as http://localhost/Website1/Common/js/jquery.js The file is actually in http://localhost/Website1/js/jquery.jsIt doesn't matter what I do to the script src whether it be runat="server" and ~/ or /js/ or anything, it always comes out with the folder. What is the problem here? Is this some sort of setting problem?