Article VS Blog Post


New Member
Hi all, Here's something I've been wondering for a while. What's the main difference(s) between articles and blog posts? In my opinion, the main difference is in the tone. The blog post is less formal than the article. What do you think? There is no difference per se - it all depends what YOU mean by each term. Usually an article is a subject focused overview of a topic with an introduction, main body, and summary with a call to action for 'more information' etc... where a blog post could be anything - a rant about a poor customer experience, your thoughts about something, an article. Generally speaking blog posts are your personal thoughts expressed with your personality, whereas an article would be aimed at communicating a subject to relevant people in an authoritative way rather than emotionally. But it will differ for different people. Your blog post could be a sales pitch - an article generally would not be. Andy Quote: Every article you write, should, as a matter of course, be posted first on your blog, and only submitted elsewhere after it has been indexed by Google. So, to answer your question, your articles should first be your blog posts anyway, so there is no difference. Here is a thread you will find useful and informative. Grab a coffee first Article on site or EZA first ? Quote: I think a blog is more personal, I write in the first person a lot more on my blog than I do in an article. Article is written from the expert's point of view. Articles are generally approximately 1500 words and contain explanations, analysis. While blog post is conversational’ style. Blog posts are generally between 100 and 500 word Blog Post - Written exclusively for a blog, and may cover a wide range of writing styles, up to and including pre-sell pages for an offer. Articles - Written for a mass audience, designed to inform, educate or entertain. Quote: Some very interesting feedback here. The reason I have decided to pose this question to a wider audience is the abundant supply of article templates you can find commercially as well as free on EZA. If you go by the theory that every article should first be published on your blog then every article template should be useful for a blog post as well. However, some article templates I've seen seem to lack the personal touch I would expect of a blog post. On the other hand, I have not seen many blog post templates floating around. Is that because article templates actually do work as well for blog posts as they do for articles. Another possibility is that people are less inclined to follow a set structure for blog posts as they are when they are writing articles. For me structure is important, especially when I write. Having a set structure to follow makes it easier to let the creative juices flow. Simply put. When I don't have to spend energy on the structure of the article or blog post I am writing I can focus 100% on the content I'm writing. How do you approach writing blog posts? And how does that differ from your approach when you are writing articles? Writing style? Sure. Blog posts have the ability to be much less formal. To me the biggest difference isn't what style they are written in, but the results. As SEOMoz said, article marketing is DEAD. Is anyone really able to rank their site using article marketing either exclusively or as a major part of their SEO efforts any more? Quote: This is really a good article, thanks for sharing. Before blogs there are in the Internet world, I guess not many people dare to write as often as now, because they think they are not good at writing, so it is not good for them to publish their words online. From the blogs started to become popular, everyone can be a writer, no matter if you have good writing skills or not. I think that the article Vs blog thing should not be compared.. If you are posting in relevant and top level articles sites, you'll surely get the traffic and link value.. And same is the case with Blogs.. Though spamming of any kind will not result into rewards.. For ArticleYou have to be specific to the topic which is started. You are bound to your limit. You start from the beginning. if possible you include links.As you have started the topic you have to conclude or end the topic mostly in the same article.Not all article directories tend to provide RSS feeds. For BlogYou can give a reader much more on a blog than in an article.You don't start from the beginning and can include number of links.You don't have to get everything out in your first comment.Each blog has its own base of subscribers. This means that the subscribers would get an email alert for every post on the blog or would be sent to their RSS reader. Quote: Blogs are more personal since what fellow warrior here had already stated; it is more on the first person viewpoint and is written with no specific limit to the content of topic in it. Whereas for the article, it should be specific and is bound with the topic from the start until its end, it should have the same atmosphere of the topic.
Yes, I agree with you. Article is more formal when compared to blog posts. We will get more opportunity to share our own ideas and experiences in blog posts.
Article is just a simple piece of writing pertaining to a single topic while blog is a collection of articles or posts pertaining to a particular niche. Blog is more profitable since you can have different ways to earn on it. You can accept advertisements from individual advertisers, put adsense on it or even sell it.