Anyone been to google today?


New Member
Logo is pretty cool. Mars on google! HEHE!, I must've used Google 20 times already today, and I never noticed that, lol.Did you see the one they ran a short while ago with the plane on the Wright brothers' flight anniversary? That was cute.There's a page somewhere that lists all their past logo designs, though in browsing the site I haven't been able to find it, but I know its there somewhere!Yeah, I've seen it before too, but have no idea what the exact URL is, heh.You can find past google holiday logos here: Sweet, thanks Good link - thanks for that. It's nice seeing the old logos there again. clifffrog wrote:I first thought "what the hell am I missing here" and then I looked at the original time of posting :-/vetofunk wrote:Do you all know Google have reindexed its PageRanked today. I keep a regular watch on this and found that my site link popularity changed from 127 linking sites to 150. But I am quite surprised to note that why it did'nt included the site which has all its links 4/10 with a link to our site which is currently PR 6/10Any new change ?