softmatic said:हि*न्*दी की टाईपि*ग के लि*ए मैं यूनि*कोड का इस्*तेमाल करता हूं अगर कि*सी को वि*बुलेटि*न की लेंगवेज फाईल बनाती आती है तो में उसकी फाईल में एडि*टींग करके जहां जहां पर अंग्रजी के शब्*द आ रहे है वहां वहां पर मैं हि*न्*दी की टाईपि*ग कर दुंगा
Guru said:There is a font available from Microsoft for unicode languages Arial Unicode MS (True Type), make sure you have that installed in order to write/read hindi or other unicode languages. You can then use character map to make words which infact is really difficult. I tried it once to make my Application localized for Hindi but had to gave up due to the time it required, then I decided to use google translation which infact worked well most of the times