Animated Flag Hack 3.8

ShadyNova said:
can i ask whereto get the flags from i need one for kosovo
and thanks for this nice mod my members like it

Any further flags will need to be developed and sized by another as stated in this release the flags are from one contributor and the hack it self was from another with some modifications from my self and others, they have been combined to make a better version that works with current and past vb releases.
Thank you now it work....
My Advice for other:
<!-- K4Z.ORG Country Flags Start -->
<if condition="$post['field5']">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/flags/$post[field5].GIF" alt="Users Flag!" border="" />
<!--// K4Z.ORG Country Flags End -->

Justz change the # from field5 to fieldXXX
XXX is the # in your User Profile Fields.
my # was # 6.