[AJAX] Live Search

Marked as installed !
Kenpachi said:
how to use the code if im using open search box open in page

where to edit the settings ?

i had the same prob, but for me it was in the header and the exp code wasnt quite the same so i searched for "search.php?do=process" and i just replaced all that was in that section of form tag with the "as a result you should get somthing like this" code and it works perfect
lilfabbro said:
i had the same prob, but for me it was in the header and the exp code wasnt quite the same so i searched for "search.php?do=process" and i just replaced all that was in that section of form tag with the "as a result you should get somthing like this" code and it works perfect

well i had custom template and um using complete vb royalflush skin
and i can't find the search.php?do=process in header too .. its available in navbar but after editing it its not showing up anything
LMAO i did exactlly what you did and used the same theme, and guess what it did work but not in the open search check the tab at the top that says search lol its there, but h/o ill get it workin in the open search, i was like wtf that shoulda worked then was like............Weird?? lol, ill post when i got it fixed
ok i got it lol but ur gonna looase that nice lil orange spyglass, i tried moving it around but cant seem to get it right

ok so heres what you do........give me a sec lol ill take sum screenies
it is the header section like i guessed, i included some screenies, and everything thats in my header, so if you havent modded the header in any other way just copy all that and delete everything in your header and use what i provided......you got lucky im in a good mood, or else i nvr would have done this, but hey it made me feel even better to help so there ya go man

the one that say new is for the fluid style, and the one that says fixed is for the fixed style.well duh lol

just PM me on MSN or aim if ya need anything else

msn: [email protected]
aim: [email protected]
  • search only, if typed >= 3 symbols;
  • header to window with button close;
  • message about no result;
  • limit number of threads;
  • highlight words in result
  • trim title of thread, if it large (optional)
  • edit position of pop-up window
  • work with vBadvanced
  • limit the number of displayed results
  • group permission
  • search by your own forums
  • sort results of search
  • mod makes only one query to db
  • full compatibility with styles and browsers
  • search by individual words
  • integrate option into standard search
  • search only the specified length of each word
  • users search
  • interval requests
Rewritten many things since version 1.6

Import product :)

Uninstall the old version, delete files (if you has use it) and install new version.

If you already have opened search field, do following.
Search field look like this:

                <form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">

                    <input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
                    <input type="text" class="bginput" name="query" size="25" tabindex="1001" />
                    <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />

So, after the opening tag <form ХХХ> add bottom:

                    <div id="lsa_window">
Next, find the tag <input XXX> with a value of type="text" and replace all (exept type="text" and if exist class="bginput") the following:

Before the closing tag </form> add:

As a result, you should get some of this code:

                <form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">
                    <div id="lsa_window">
                    <input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
                    <input type="text" class="bginput" $lsainput />
                    <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />
Live DEMO: MixPlay (user: test, pass: 123456)
Live video: YouTube - [AJAX] Live Search

PS Some function writed by ChangUonDyU

If you like this mod - Click Install it:)
  • search only, if typed >= 3 symbols;
  • header to window with button close;
  • message about no result;
  • limit number of threads;
  • highlight words in result
  • trim title of thread, if it large (optional)
  • edit position of pop-up window
  • work with vBadvanced
  • limit the number of displayed results
  • group permission
  • search by your own forums
  • sort results of search
  • mod makes only one query to db
  • full compatibility with styles and browsers
  • search by individual words
  • integrate option into standard search
  • search only the specified length of each word
  • users search
  • interval requests
  • wrote 2 js class
Rewritten many things since version 1.6

Known Issues
Double click in search field - still not fixed.

Upload all files from folder upload to forum folder.
Import product.

Uninstall the old version, delete files (if you has use it) and install new version.

If you already have opened search field, do following.
Search field look like this:

                <form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">

                    <input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
                    <input type="text" class="bginput" name="query" size="25" tabindex="1001" />
                    <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />

So, after the opening tag <form ХХХ> add bottom:

                    <div id="lsa_window">
Before the closing tag </form> add:

We have prepared the search form to pop-up window. Now we need to bind to the field of javascript.
For this in tag <input type="text" /> add id="lsa_input"
As a result, you should get some of this code:

				<form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">
					<div id="lsa_window">
					<input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
					<input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
					<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
					<input type="text" id="lsa_input" class="bginput" name="query" size="25" tabindex="1001" />
					<input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />
P.S. If you already have id in your search field and its change may be possible to reset the anchor CSS, do the following.
Open the template lsa_script and edit the line

var lsa = new AJAX_LiveSearch_Prepare("lsa", "lsa_input", "lsa_window");

where the arguments of the class:
lsa - variable name initialize class js
lsa_input - search field id
lsa_window - pop-up window id

Thus, changing the arguments of the class AJAX_LiveSearch_Prepare, you can not edit the search field.

Live DEMO: MixPlay (user: test, pass: 123456)
Live video: YouTube - [AJAX] Live Search

PS Some function writed by ChangUonDyU

If you like this mod - Click Install it:)
thx all, i find
if u want change white box to color of yours style u mast find "lsa_main" in template and
change line
<div id="lsa_window_menu" class="vbmenu_popup" style="display: none; width: $vboptions[lsa_width];">

<div id="lsa_window_menu" class="alt1" style="display: none; width: $vboptions[lsa_width];">
i notice a problem with phrases

line 243 and 244 of product-lsearch_3.0_en.xml

			<phrase name="lsa_sortasc" date="1229447564" username="mad@Max" version=""><![CDATA[Descending]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="lsa_sortdesc" date="1229447610" username="mad@Max" version=""><![CDATA[Ascending]]></phrase>			<phrase name="lsa_sortdesc" date="1229447610" username="mad@Max" version=""><![CDATA[ïî âîçðàñòàíèþ]]></phrase>

replace with

			<phrase name="lsa_sortasc" date="1229447564" username="mad@Max" version=""><![CDATA[Ascending]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="lsa_sortdesc" date="1229447610" username="mad@Max" version=""><![CDATA[Descending]]></phrase>
it works great but i need HELP
it only works with the first click on the inout field
when i click somewhere else and the box dissappears i cant recall the box with clicking on the input field again????
  • search only, if typed >= 3 symbols;
  • header to window with button close;
  • message about no result;
  • limit number of threads;
  • highlight words in result
  • trim title of thread, if it large (optional)
  • edit position of pop-up window
  • work with vBadvanced
  • limit the number of displayed results
  • group permission
  • search by your own forums
  • sort results of search
  • mod makes only one query to db
  • full compatibility with styles and browsers
  • search by individual words
  • integrate option into standard search
  • search only the specified length of each word
  • users search
  • interval requests
  • wrote 2 js class
Rewritten many things since version 1.6

Known Issues
Double click in search field - still not fixed.

Upload all files from folder upload to forum folder.
Import product.

Uninstall the old version, delete files (if you has use it) and install new version.

If you already have opened search field, do following.
Search field look like this:

                <form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">

                    <input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
                    <input type="text" class="bginput" name="query" size="25" tabindex="1001" />
                    <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />

So, after the opening tag <form ХХХ> add bottom:

                    <div id="lsa_window">
Before the closing tag </form> add:

We have prepared the search form to pop-up window. Now we need to bind to the field of javascript.
For this in tag <input type="text" /> add id="lsa_input"
As a result, you should get some of this code:

				<form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">
					<div id="lsa_window">
					<input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
					<input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1" />
					<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
					<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
					<input type="text" id="lsa_input" class="bginput" name="query" size="25" tabindex="1001" />
					<input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[go]" tabindex="1004" />
P.S. If you already have id in your search field and its change may be possible to reset the anchor CSS, do the following.
Open the template lsa_script and edit the line

var lsa = new AJAX_LiveSearch_Init("lsa", "lsa_input", "lsa_window");

where the arguments of the class:
lsa - variable name initialize class js
lsa_input - search field id
lsa_window - pop-up window id

Thus, changing the arguments of the class AJAX_LiveSearch_Prepare, you can not edit the search field.

Live DEMO: MixPlay (user: test, pass: 123456)
Live video: YouTube - [AJAX] Live Search

PS Some function writed by ChangUonDyU