Ajax And Javascript Development


Here at work, we are currently using an old custom VB6 application for our data record system. In an effort to try and get things a little more modern and make some required changes, I have been writing a web based application in PHP. To get allot of the functionality I want (and need) I have used JavaScript. I have stumbled through JavaScript part by searching for something similar to what I need online and modifying the Java code to fit my needs. Now, I am not a programmer professionally (I am a Mechanical Engineer), I am self taught. When it comes to coding, I can hold me own and get things done, just takes me a little longer.<br /><br />With my background out of the way I can get down to my problem. I am about 75% done with the application I am working. I am really happy with what I have so far. Even a friend I have who works for a custom application company is impressed. Unfortunately I have hit a brick wall with the last 25%. To get the functionality I really need, I need to get heavy into Java. In researching for some Java that can help me, I have found out about AJAX. Although I could not find something that helps to solves my problems.<br /><br />I am looking for some good reference information to help me learn Java and AJAX. It does not have to be intended for a beginner, intermediate level would be fine. The reference(s) can either be a book or online. Does anyone have any recommendations?<!--content-->
Jim... I'm also an engineer (Chemical) that migrating into web development about 5 years ago. Ironically, I'm also just starting to use AJAX in some of my projects. Fundamentally, there isn't much too it. Just using javascript to pass info back and forth between server-side script without form submissions/page refresh.<br /><br />It can get fancy, like the scriptaculous drag-and-drop shopping cart, but I've been using it for more practical purposes like real-time form validation against a database.<br /><br />Check out these leads... <br /><br /><u>http://script.aculo.us/</u> (<- sophisticated effects)<br /><u>http://ajaxagent.org</u> (<-very simple/powerful PHP/AJAX js class)<br /><br />P.S. in editing this post, I've found that this forum uses AJAX to allow the author to edit their post in-line without page refreshes. Look in the source for the call to ajax_prep_for_edit<!--content-->
@etriad: Thanks, for the tips, I'll look into them!<!--content-->