Advanced Guestbook - Jump Menu

Is there a tutorial or help page that addresses the jump menu on the advanced guestbook? If so, would someone point me to it pleae? I've looked but can't find one. I'd like to add things to the menu but am unsure how.<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
<a href="" target="_blank">This</a> should do it for you (scroll down to the last post). Thumbs Up<br /><br />Copied here for your convience. Note, you will find <b>gb.class.php</b> in the "lib" directory of your guestbook, and <b>header.php</b> in the "templates" directory (but header.php is also editable through the guestbook admin interface).<br /><br />Also the example below just adds a link to your home page. Change that, and add additional links as needed in the same location in the menu_array list.<br /><br />1.) Open <b>gb.class.php</b> and edit around line 73<br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->function generate_JumpMenu() { <br /> ????menu_array[] = "<select name=\"entry\" onchange=\"urlJump('self',this)\" class=\"select\">"; <br /> ????menu_array[] = "<option value=\"http://www.****/\" class=\"select\">Back To Home</option>"; <br /> ????menu_array[] = "<option value=\"0\" selected>".$this->db->LANG["FormSelect"]."</option>"; <br /> ???鐖刦 ($this->db->VARS["entries_per_page"] < $this->total) { <br /> ??????remain = $this->total % $this->db->VARS["entries_per_page"]; <br /> ??????i = $this->total-$remain; <br /> ?????鐖揾ile ($i > 0) { <br /> ????????num_max = $i; <br /> ????????num_min = $num_max-$this->db->VARS["entries_per_page"]; <br /> ????????num_min++; <br /> ????????menu_array[] = "<option value=\"$remain\">$num_min-$num_max</option>"; <br /> ????????i = $num_min-1; <br /> ????????remain += $this->db->VARS["entries_per_page"]; <br /> ?????} <br /> ???鐖