$_POST of a form showing null


New Member
I am using javascript and trying to call another function from a function with passing arguments in $_POST variable of php ! I cant figure Why am I getting null every time.Here's the code for the form in javascript\[code\]" To " + "<select name='to'>"; //document.write(arr.length); for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { if(arr) txt_bottom += "<option value='" + arr + "'>" + arr + "</option>"; } txt_bottom+= "</select> <br> <br>" +"Input : <input type='text' name='input_value' /> <input type='submit' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12546817/Evaluate' onclick=\"calculate_mesurement('<?php echo isset($_POST["from"])?$_POST["from"]:"nothing"?>', '<?php echo isset($_POST["to"])?>')\"/> <br><br>" +\[/code\]To make the code clear this is just informative that \[code\]calculate_measurement\[/code\] accepts two argumentsAny help will be highly appreciated