8086 uP programming under linux


<b>hi,<br />how to run an assembly language program(8086 uP)in linux.<br />i am using fedora 8 OS.<br />will the program which runs under TASM in windows work under linux assembler.<br />that is are the commands similar?<br />i tried doing man-as but couldnt understand.<br />if anyone can help pls elaborate how to do so?<br />i tried running following program but it gave a lot of errors::(error on every line!)<br /><br />.model small<br />.data<br />s1 db 'secomp$'<br />.code<br /> start:<br /> mov ax,@data<br /> mov ds,ax<br /><br /> mov ah,09h<br /> mov dx,offset s1<br /> int 21h<br /><br /> mov ah,4ch<br /> int 21h<br /> end start<br /><br />i gave the command - as a.asm<br /><br /> </b>