[3.8.x] BlackOut [vBSkinShop]

Boa said:
The psd's are there for all buttons m8, only takes seconds to change them all to English or whatever language you want.

And thanks very much for this skin, i'm using it now
I have done that but There
are Some tool tips too which appear in Some other Language What to do?
TheProphet said:
U need my version m8.... no edits needed from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3


Thanks pal. Didn't realise, much appreciated.

Anyone know why mine looks like this?

KillaStaff said:
Because you arcade link isn't good, because your forum isn't in categorie .... and perhaps you don't say thanks :rolleyes:

It did the same when I didn't have the arcade and when it I did have forums in categories.

And my bad, I thought I had :P

EDIT: Nvm, does seem to be the Arcade. Guess I have to edit a template or something? Any ideas?
Submiss said:
Thanks pal. Didn't realise, much appreciated.

Anyone know why mine looks like this?


mine it looks like this !! i don't know why !! i tried in localhost and it worked normaly...but in my webhost it looks like this !! how can i do
your arcade link isn't good, if it's an automatic replace, look for replace manually in template

and your forum isn't in category, you don't respect the structure :rolleyes: