3.8.2 Hopefully nulled please check


New Member
3.8.2 Hopefully nulled by me

[mod]This is my first attemt to null anything and I know fuck all about php so seriously I have only posted this so other staff can check it over for me.[/mod]

Anything I wasnt sure about I simply compared with the 3.8.1 GYSN release

There are though 2 .js files in clientscript (cant remeber which ones) that have a vb link in, GYSN's release also have these links but I remeber Lord Shoa from S.E.T mentioning this a while ago as a possible problem so if anyone knows how to sort it please do.

I have done basic checking, install went fine and all admincp options seem to work without a hitch, its mainly that its fully Nulled is what I want to know.

Once again this is for testing and checking only and not for public use, I dont want to be the reason your site gets shut down...lmao
There are though 2 .js files in clientscript (cant remeber which ones) that have a vb link in, GYSN's release also have these links

if you modify the *.js files - everyone can check, that you runs a nulled vBulletin ;)

the art of nullifying...

a gysn vB is comming soon.
Here we go again...lol

Once again this is for testing and checking only and not for public use, I dont want to be the reason your site gets shut down...lmao

Ive installed on test forum and it all seems to work, just a case of testing and checking to see if I did good...tho' I have my doubts lol

Nulled and released.:)
Think I fixed upgrade problem replace install\installcore.php with the one below

I didnt test from 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 but ran upgrade over existing 3.8.2 but it all went without a hitch