[3.8.2]Blackstream Lighting Blue[TheProphet]


New Member
This is a vBTEAM exclusive do not post else where!!

[3.8.2]Blackstream Lighting Blue

!!! Pay a little respect and "Thank Me" if you like this style and me continue to porting and ripping styles !!!

!!! No Thanks = No Support !!!

Main Style with Menu

Main Style without Menu
looking very nice, but can you check your ambient_lighting 2.0 thread and help me fix it.

it works on every page apart from my main forums page
I was talking about this line:

I am not good in designig vb styles, i am good in php and c++!

Can you remove it please?
question can you make the header a fixed image? i wnated to make it a fixed image for my site , is it possible. i havent checked the images or anything to see thought I'd ask you the creater before I go messing around in it.
alexD said:
question can you make the header a fixed image? i wnated to make it a fixed image for my site , is it possible. i havent checked the images or anything to see thought I'd ask you the creater before I go messing around in it.

Yes it's possible m8....
lightning is amazing but wooooooooooow!!! dark-blue i like much more!!!!! super job prophet!!! you are the vb-yoda now
TheProphet said:
This is a WebmasterBeta exclusive do not post else where!!

[3.8.2]Blackstream Lighting Blue

!!! Pay a little respect and "Thank Me" if you like this style and me continue to porting and ripping styles !!!

!!! No Thanks = No Support !!!

Main Style with Menu

Main Style without Menu
thanks it works

thanks it works