[3.7.2] CompleteGFX Sleek Passion Ripped by HoxxyByDesign [vbTEAM]


New Member
#                 RIPPED BY HOXXYBYDESIGN - vBTEAM                   #
#                                                                    #
#  H:::::::H     H:::::::HB::::::::::::::::B  D::::::::::::DDD       #
#  H:::::::H     H:::::::HB::::::BBBBBB:::::B D:::::::::::::::DD     #
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#  H:::::::H     H:::::::HB:::::::::::::::::B D:::::::::::::::DD     #
#  H:::::::H     H:::::::HB::::::::::::::::B  D::::::::::::DDD       #
#                                                                    #
#                                                                    #
#  style name   : Completegfx - Sleek passion                        #
#  Ripped by    : Hoxxy (vBTEAM)                                     #
#  Tested by    : Hoxxybydesign                                      #
#  Demo         : http://www.completegfx.com/                        #
#  Release date : 18-08-2008                                         #
#  Price        : N/A                                                #
#                                                                    #
#                        RIPPED BY HOXXYBYDESIGN                     #
#                                                                    #
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#                                                                    #
#                              RIPPED BY                             #
#                            HOXXYBYDESIGN                           #
#                             DISCLAIMER                             #
#                                                                    #
#                   RIPPED FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY                 #
#                        IF YOU LIKE IT BUY IT!                      #
#                                                                    #



Foot Note:
This release was made for vBTEAM ONLY!! and i don't want to see it in any other places, except this forum.

Sorry to sound harse but thats reality!


New Member
Hoxx why you start to threatening ? did we beg for you rip stuff ? thanks for ripping and all your effort, also when we spread your rips, we keep your information inside. never remove even a dot...but if you are starting threatening people take your rips and go wherever you want...but never threat your funs...


New Member
avaloncraven said:
Hoxx why you start to threatening ? did we beg for you rip stuff ? thanks for ripping and all your effort, also when we spread your rips, we keep your information inside. never remove even a dot...but if you are starting threatening people take your rips and go wherever you want...but never threat your funs...

Why the threats....
1. I'm sick of seeing my work posted elsewhere without the nfo/docs inside and some even have been touched up by people then being posted as their own work!!

2. I want them to stay as vBTEAM exclusives

3. I'm not really threatening members, I'm just asking them to respect my request.

How do I know its my work?
Because I write code inside so I can recognise it!

....did we beg for you rip stuff ?
Well actually yes, I get about 10 pms a day asking me to rip 1 style or another!


New Member
avaloncraven said:
Hoxx why you start to threatening ? did we beg for you rip stuff ? thanks for ripping and all your effort, also when we spread your rips, we keep your information inside. never remove even a dot...but if you are starting threatening people take your rips and go wherever you want...but never threat your funs...
How the hell is he threatning us???
LMAO.. do you even know what that word means?

He's asking for some respect for the effort and time for these requests.

If you don't like his wishes, then leave vBteam and have better luck finding anything.


New Member
hey something weird happened to mine, it was installed all fine and then i installed the sleek-passion+.xml to see what it looked like and one of my mods that show just under the PM notifications dissapeared.. reinstalled it still wont show and then the little gaps in the side of the nav bar appeared...

any help/


New Member
Thanks for the rip Hoxxy. Screw you avaloncraven. But does anyone have any sceenies or a demo for this skin? Because completegfx.com is dead.

Thanks in advance

Foound a screen




New Member
WOW, that's pretty amazing, I see Hoxxy all over the web and I was thinking that you were a pretty busy guy... sorry for that ... I would suggest that you do something like GYSN and put a validator in your packages. I am pretty religious about checking validators and if they don't, I don't! Only a suggestion.


New Member
avaloncraven said:
Hoxx why you start to threatening ? did we beg for you rip stuff ? thanks for ripping and all your effort, also when we spread your rips, we keep your information inside. never remove even a dot...but if you are starting threatening people take your rips and go wherever you want...but never threat your funs...

quit complainin and do as he says


New Member
Bleep, very nice....anyone know if this will work on 3.7.3? just need to know so I dont have to pull my hair out trying to fix this and that......although I dont see why not....


New Member
Gantz said:
Bleep, very nice....anyone know if this will work on 3.7.3? just need to know so I dont have to pull my hair out trying to fix this and that......although I dont see why not....

Should work fine I just checked the latest versions I have (this one) and it has the 3.7.3 required edits :)