Feminine Style - Wine 'n' Roses
Live Demo

Installation Instructions
Download the attached Zip file, and unzip to your computer.
Upload the entire wine folder into your forum/images directory, so that your path is images/wine.
Import the xml file by going to your ACP --> styles and templates --> download/upload styles --> browse --> select the xml file where you have it saved on your computer --> import
There is a folder of black images in the zip, header is in jpg format and button is a psd.
If you need your forum name put on the header for you, please request it here.
Live Demo

Installation Instructions
Download the attached Zip file, and unzip to your computer.
Upload the entire wine folder into your forum/images directory, so that your path is images/wine.
Import the xml file by going to your ACP --> styles and templates --> download/upload styles --> browse --> select the xml file where you have it saved on your computer --> import
There is a folder of black images in the zip, header is in jpg format and button is a psd.
If you need your forum name put on the header for you, please request it here.