[3.6.8] 7M-v1

Skin Installation Guide:

- Making a backup of your database and current board skin is always a good idea!

1.) Upload the folders Excessive and 7M-v1 to your forums root directory.
2.) Go to your Admin Cp on your board.
- Find the tab that says Styles and Templates.
- Click on Download/Upload Styles.
- Select the xml file.

Copyright 7oxic-Media.com

You can use it, hack it, and modify it to meet your needs. But, you may not redistribute any of the .psd files or template files. You may not resell the skin or graphics.

Thank you for using this FREE style from www.7oxic-media.com

There are quite some problems with this skin... most links point back to 7oxic-media and some parts of the skin aren't good. I'm guessing this is a RIP... a not very good one.
I would love to use this style, but for me the header gets repeated all over the forum completely wiping the forums and threads from the page, deleted some random things in the header which fixed it at some point but I have no idea what, if anyone could fix that one problem I'd use this.
The site is working again and you can get the 3.6.8 working one for free
at 7oxic-media.com which is going to upgrade there styles to 3.7