2 MSN going, how did I do it ;)

Probably the same way I can login to 3 with the ability to sign in to many more..hence the new login window...:)

dark_hunter said:
2 MSN going, how did I do it? ;)
your kidding me right.. this is so old skool... :P You could do this like 5 years ago! :P

EDIT: nice desktop background Hoxxy :D :P
Hoxxy said:
Probably the same way I can login to 3 with the ability to sign in to many more..hence the new login window...:)

I did not use MSN plus. So get your ****s out of your pocket and try again ;)
I just use meebo it allows me to control all my msn messengers / aim / yahoo / gm / myspace all in one firefox window.