XML web control


New Member
Hi, I am using XML web control in one of my web form and gets and error on the DocumentSource property.<BR><BR>"Directory .... does not exist. Failed to start monitoring file changes." <BR><BR>I am trying to load an XML file from a different server. Is there any way i can achive this...<BR><BR>Any suggestion will be a great helpful<BR><BR>Thanks in advance<BR>TonyI never quite manged to get that thing to do exactly what I wanted.<BR><BR>I don't think it really does that much, so you could just load the xml and xsl into DOMs and do the transforms yourself.<BR><BR>Here is the mono (open source) version : http://cvs.hispalinux.es/cgi-bin/cvsweb/mcs/class/System.Web/System.Web.UI.WebControls/Xml.cs?cvsroot=mono&rev=1<BR><BR>Thanks Very much. I shall try that..<BR><BR>Tony<BR><BR>If i use an XMLDocument object...<BR><BR>XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ( );<BR>I have to Load an XML file from "\Server2XMLmy.xml"<BR><BR>If i use doc.Load ("\Server2XMLmy.xml"); this gives an error<BR>Any help please....<BR><BR>Is it an access denied error? It's probably just that the "Anonymous"/ASPNet user doesn't have rights to read in that folder.<BR><BR>If not, check the doc, make sure that .Load accepts \<BR>