Should Guice-Injected DAO's be Singletons?


New Member
I am currently working on an application utilizing Guice / JPA / Hibernate to get info from my database.I have read the Guice docs on working with JPA and EntityManagars here:,But I am having trouble understanding when I should make my DAO Implementations Singletons.I have read this question on S/O regarding Spring's use of DAO's where it says: \[quote\] Instantiating a DAO for every request would be crazy.\[/quote\]Does that carry over for DI containers other than Spring? If I am injecting a DAO Provider into my Servlet and calling when needed, should the DAO Service Implementation be a Singleton?Here is a basic outline of one of my DAO's:\[code\]public DAOImpl implements DAOService { <-- SHOULD THIS BE ANNOTATED @Singleton? @Inject private EntityManager em; // OR // @Inject // private Provider<EntityManager> emProvider - If it's a singleton. @Inject DAOImpl(OtherServices os) { this.otherServices = os; } @Transactional public MyPersistedObject getPersistedObject(long id) { MyPersistedObject mpo = em.find(MyPersistedObject.class, id); return mpo; }}\[/code\]And how it's called:\[code\] @Singleton public MyServlet(HttpRequest req, HttpRequest res) extends ServletInterfaceOfTheDay { private final daoService; // If Singleton // OR // private final Provider<DAOService>; If Instanced DAO @Inject MyServlet(DAOService dao) { this.daoService = dao; } // Gather Information from request here... MyPersistedObject mpo = daoService.getPersistedObject(requestIdInfo); // OR daoService.get().getPersistedObject(requestIdInfo); // Process Response Info here.... }\[/code\]Thanks for the help.