okay this is going to sound dumb but... what is homecomming?!?


New Member
i know its a football game..<br />
and theres a dance afterwards? idk haha.<br />
is it like seniors/juniors only? <br />
anyone care to explain?? P<br />
Homecoming is the last home football game of the year. It is usually played against your school's biggest rival. The game itself is open to anyone but the dance is open to everyone who attends school there.
There's a dance usually the day after the football game and everyone at school can go. Girls wear mums and guys wear garters (I think they're called...my mind went blank lol) on the day of the game. They have ribbons and dangly things on them, and are in your school colors. Go to any craft store near the time of your homecoming and there will be examples and materials to make them. At the game the homecoming court will be announced, which includes the homecoming queen and king.

I probably forgot something, but I hope I helped. =)
Homecoming is your school's first game of the season. All grades can attend; and during halftime people will perform. It depends on your school lol.

hope i helped
Homecoming is called homecoming cause that's when college kids typically come home for a weekend to meet up with old friends and previous classes from that school have their (whatever year) reunion. For the kids still in high school it's a time to have school spirit there's normally a game that Friday night (not always the first or last game of the season but normally it's against a rival school) and a dance that Saturday night.