Invalid object name, SQL Exception. Nothing fixes it!


New Member
So, I have been trying to fix this for about two months. It all started when my "dev" machine went kaput and I set it up on my laptop. It was working fun on my old PC but, it does not work on my new PC and never did on laptop.I structured the SQL Server as much like the first one as I could remember but, it started giving me SQLExceptions. I googled it, I searched on here for it, I tried different solutions. Nothing. I will post the offending code and I am hoping someone will be able to help me see my flaw. I am sure it is something stupid.\[code\] SqlCommand sc = sqlc.CreateCommand(); sc.CommandText = "SELECT pNumber FROM database WHERE pNumber = '" + Number.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataReader sdr = sc.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read().ToString() != null) { sdr.Close(); sc.CommandText = "UPDATE word SET word = '" + Word + "' WHERE pNumber = '" + Number.ToString() + "'"; HERE IS WHERE THE ERROR OCCURS----> sc.ExecuteReader(); } else { sdr.Close(); sc.CommandText = "INSERT INTO database VALUES(" + Number.ToString() + ",'" + Word + "',0, 0, 0)"; sc.ExecuteNonQuery(); sc.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM database WHERE pNumber = '" + Number.ToString() + "'"; SqlDataReader dataRead = sc.ExecuteReader(); for (int x = 0; x < 6; ++x) { User[x] = dataRead.GetString(x); } } sqlc.Close();\[/code\]EDIT: SqlException: Invalid object name: 'word'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(...