Free Photo Upload Script


Staff member
Hello everyone, I am somewhat a novice to html coding. Nevertheless I run a website using frontpage.<br /> where family, friends and pen pals can send messages to inmates free. We basically print out the emails and send them via regular mail to the participant...<br /><br />I am looking for a script that I can add to each personal page where people can upload a photo, they can then view the photo as a thumbnail and that photo is sent to an individual <u>preset</u> email address... I am also (if possible) looking to be able to limit the amount of photo's that can be sent per month...<br /><br />If anyone knows of anyt free scripts with this options it would be a BIG help.<br /><br />Thank You for taking the time to read my message.<br /><br />Darnell Barber<br />[email protected]<!--content-->
Search and I'm sure you will find something you can use.<!--content-->
In modern era of immediate fulfillment, digital cameras has firmed its place in the lifestyle. With the ability to have photo-quality publishing within minutes of getting an picture, the term fast create takes on a whole new significance.