Access to QueryString / Session from a static Method?

I use ASP.Net and a static WebMethod / PageMethod to do some async work.My question is how to access my queryStrings and Session variables here?I tried "HttpContext.Current" and a lot of information is available here, but not my QueryString nor my Session and I don't know why.\[code\] [WebMethod(EnableSession=true)] public static object Update(string time) { string timer; string lastBidder; string price; //Countdown timer DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(time); dt = dt.AddSeconds(-1.0); timer = dt.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); int auctionID = 6; if (!int.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["id"], out auctionID)) throw new Exception("Seitenaufruf ohne ID"); Business.AuctionHandling ah = new Business.AuctionHandling(); DAL.Auktion auktion = ah.GetSingleAuction(auctionID); price = auktion.AktuellerPreis.ToString("###0.00"); //this.gvHistory.DataBind(); List<DAL.Biethistorie> his = ah.GetBidHistoryForAuction(auctionID); if (his.Count > 0) { lastBidder = his[0].Benutzer.Benutzername; //History fett //gvHistory.Rows[0].Font.Bold = true; //gvHistory.Rows[0].ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#3B4D5F"); //lblH?chstesGebot.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; } else { lastBidder = Helper.StringHelper.AuctionDeatil_NoBidder; //lblH?chstesGebot.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } return new { valueTimer = timer, valuePrice = price, valueLastBidder = lastBidder }; }\[/code\]