ZH Meta Tags


New Member
Meta Tags

~Hack description
A great SEO hack.
Boost your search engine rankings by using more advanced meta tags!Easy to customize via vbulletin options

~Hack options

* On/Off
* Short Description
* Robot actions
* Robot revisit
* Rating
* Distribution
* Prevent MSSmartTags
* Language
* Expiration
* Copyright
* Author
* Browser cache
* Pragma
* Owner
* Admin email
* Category
* Generator

~Hack info
File uploads: 0
Template edits: 0
Templates: 1
File edits: 0
Plugins: 2
SQL Queries: 0
Phrases: 35
Settings: 17

Install time: 3 sec
Install level: Easy

~Hack installation

Step 1: Import Product
Meta Tags

~Hack description
A great SEO hack.
Boost your search engine rankings by using more advanced meta tags!Easy to customize via vbulletin options

~Hack options

* On/Off
* Short Description
* Robot actions
* Robot revisit
* Rating
* Distribution
* Prevent MSSmartTags
* Language
* Expiration
* Copyright
* Author
* Browser cache
* Pragma
* Owner
* Admin email
* Category
* Generator

~Hack info
File uploads: 0
Template edits: 0
Templates: 1
File edits: 0
Plugins: 2
SQL Queries: 0
Phrases: 35
Settings: 17

Install time: 3 sec
Install level: Easy

~Hack installation

Step 1: Import Product
Meta Tags

~Hack description
A great SEO hack.
Boost your search engine rankings by using more advanced meta tags!Easy to customize via vbulletin options

~Hack options

* On/Off
* Short Description
* Robot actions
* Robot revisit
* Rating
* Distribution
* Prevent MSSmartTags
* Language
* Expiration
* Copyright
* Author
* Browser cache
* Pragma
* Owner
* Admin email
* Category
* Generator

~Hack info
File uploads: 0
Template edits: 0
Templates: 1
File edits: 0
Plugins: 2
SQL Queries: 0
Phrases: 35
Settings: 17

Install time: 3 sec
Install level: Easy

~Hack installation

Step 1: Import Product